A clearly defined governance framework to support management control and Board-level oversight of sustainability matters.
Our policies, procedures and standards determine and guide how we operate. Below you can find more details.
Our Group policies (indicated by* in the table below) are approved by the Board and are implemented by Group companies for local Ìýapplication.
Our Group policies are underpinned by a range of principles, statements, operating procedures, standards and guidelines to help support effective implementation of our commitments.
Together, this framework supports the effective identification, management and control of risks and opportunities for our business in these and other areas.
Policies, Procedures and Standards |
Summary of Areas Covered | Key Stakeholder Groups |
For more on Group policiesÌý indicated with * visit Ìý- Policies, principles and standards | Ìý | |
Standards of Business Conduct (SoBC)* Ìý |
Sets out our policies for: Speak Up; respect in the workplace; human rights; health; safety and welfare; environmental; lobbying and engagement; conflicts of interest; anti-bribery and corruption; gifts and entertainment; political contributions; community investment; protection of corporate assets and financial integrity; competition and anti-trust; anti-money laundering and tax evasion; sanctions; anti-illicit trade; data privacy; and cybersecurity, confidentiality and information security. |
Our people Governments and wider society |
Supplier Code of Conduct* Ìý |
Covers compliance; human rights; environmental sustainability; trade and marketing; business integrity; and cybersecurity, confidentiality and information security. |
Customers Suppliers Governments and wider society Ìý |
Group Environment Policy* Ìý |
Commits to following standards of environmental protection, adhering to the principles of sustainable development and protecting biodiversity in our direct operations and supply chain. Includes an assessment of our value chain impacts, Circular Economy principles, biodiversity commitments and metrics and targets. |
Our people Ìý |
Group Health and Safety Policy Statement* Ìý |
Covers health, safety and welfare of our employees, contractors, visitors and other relevant stakeholders. |
Our people Governments and wider society Ìý |
Employment Principles* Ìý |
Sets out our commitments to workforce diversity, reasonable working hours, family-friendly policies, employee wellbeing, talent, performance, equal opportunities, and fair, clear and competitive remuneration and benefits and responsible restructuring. |
Our people Ìý |
Responsible Marketing Principles (RMP)* Ìý |
Governs marketing of all our products and includes the requirement for all our marketing to be targeted at adult consumers only. The RMP is supported by the Responsible Marketing Code. |
Consumers Suppliers Customers Governments and wider society |
Group Quality Policy Statement Ìý |
Formalises how we strive to deliver high-quality products through appropriate processes, procedures, resources, and training. |
Consumers |
Product Stewardship Framework* Ìý |
Sets out the steps we take for responsible product development and manufacturing and reflects our commitment to meet high quality and safety standards. Guides product development and testing, helping to promote a rigorous and systematic approach. |
Consumers Ìý |
Biodiversity Statement Ìý |
Sets out the principles we follow to manage our impact on biodiversity and the wider environment. Ìý |
Our people Suppliers Governments and wider society |
Biodiversity Operational Standard on Tobacco Farming Ìý |
Sets out requirements that all of the Group's own Leaf Operations must adhere to for the following tobacco crop activities: use of wood as fuel for tobacco curing and for the construction of curing barns; new farmland development for growing tobacco; and tobacco farming and associated agricultural practices. Third-party Leaf suppliers are also required to follow this standard within their own practices and operations. |
Our people Ìý |
Climate Change and Energy Standard Ìý |
Provides guidance for our employees who have responsibility for implementing climate change-related initiatives. |
Our people Suppliers Customers Governments andwider society Ìý |
Green Mobility Standard |
Outlines our strategy for reducing the environmental impact of our car fleet, namely carbon dioxide equivalent emissions (CO2e), air pollution, and noise reduction through the deployment of electric vehicles. |
Our people Ìý |
Low Carbon Transition Plan |
Describes our Climate strategy and how we intend to transition our processes, operations, and business models to meet our climate commitments. |
Our people Ìý |
Environment and Health and Safety (EHS) Policy Manual Ìý |
Sets out comprehensive guidance and procedures for Group companies on the implementation of EHS policy commitments. |
Our people |
Operational standard for personal protective equipment (PPE) Ìý |
Requires all directly contracted farmers and their workers to have appropriate access to PPE. |
Our people |
Water Security Standard Ìý |
Sets out guidance for Group companies on water conservation, managing water risk, and actions for our sites in water stressed areas. |
Our people |
Soil and Groundwater Protection Standard Ìý |
Defines the controls and standards required for Group companies to prevent and protect against spillages and leakages that could impact soil or groundwater. |
Our people |
Group Code of Human Rights in Tobacco Farming Ìý |
Outlines the core human rights standards that we expect all the Group’s own Leaf Operations to implement. The Code complements our Global Supplier Code of Conduct, Leaf Supplier Manual and Standards of Business Conduct, and applies to all ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨employees and the Group’s own Leaf Operations. |
Our people Ìý |
Leaf Supplier Manual (LSM) Ìý Ìý |
Sets out the detailed standards we expect our suppliers to adhere to. These include a range of criteria relating to standards in agricultural practices, quality specifications and processing, such as relating to agrochemicals compliance and the prevention of child labour. |
Suppliers Ìý |
Anti-illicit Trade (AIT) Supply Chain Compliance Procedures Ìý |
Sets out guidance for all Group companies for complying with our AIT Policy in the SoBC. It sets out procedures for maintaining robust supply chain controls and taking appropriate action where there are risks that our tobacco and/or products may be smuggled. |
Our people Ìý |
Group SoBC Assurance Procedure Ìý |
Defines how all reports of alleged SoBC breaches should be investigated and remediated fairly and objectively. This includes a four-step process, involving an initial assessment, in line with data privacy and employment laws, followed by an investigation plan, implementation, reporting of findings, and closure. |
Our people Ìý |
Sanctions Compliance Procedure Ìý |
Outlines our comprehensive sanctions compliance framework covering Group companies, suppliers, third parties and financial transactions. |
Our people |
Third-Party Anti-Financial Crime Procedure Ìý |
Sets out Group-wide minimum mandatory steps required for our dealings with third parties. Designed to assess and mitigate third-party risks regarding: bribery and corruption; money laundering; terrorist financing; illicit trade (supply chain compliance); sanctions; and the facilitation of tax evasion |
Our people Ìý |
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Transactions Compliance Procedure Ìý |
Sets out mandatory steps, along with best-practice guidelines for M&A transactions involving any Group company and one or more third parties covering compliance risks, such as bribery, corruption and human rights. |
Our people Ìý |
Counter Terrorist Financing Procedure Ìý |
Covers Group Companies, suppliers, customers and financial transactions. The Procedure has been designed to identify, assess and mitigate the terrorist financing risk. |
Our people |