Ethics and integrity

Ethics and integrity

Ethics and integrity

Ethical values form the basis of our culture

We operate in an honest, transparent and accountable way, and maintain integrity in everything we do. Our robust principles and policies set out how we do this consistently, in every market we operate in.

Ethics and integrity

Our actions impact our consumers and communities, from marketing responsibly to contributing to local economies through tax payments. We also have a responsibility to our shareholders to act as a reputable global business.

Unethical behaviour can damage our business, reputation and consumer trust. It can also distort markets, with developing countries especially vulnerable to the resulting economic, social and political impacts. Our global principles and policies are adopted by our Group companies for local implementation.

Moreover, effective regulation requires cooperation between governments and industry. Our engagement with regulators and policy makers is underpinned by our open and transparent regulatory positions. We seek to engage with public health authorities and regulators to help develop policies that balance our Tobacco Harm Reduction objectives with concerns about underage access, environmental impacts and consumer safety. We strive to have 100% adherence to our SoBC, including our Lobbying and Engagement Policy.ÌýÌý

Our operationsÌý– management approach

We have a strong culture of responsible behaviour, underpinned by our ethos. We will never compromise standards for the sake of results. Our Group-wide ‘Delivery with Integrity’ programme helps everyone at ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨understand and play their role in maintaining those standards.

We believe that all views – whether from businesses, NGOs or any other parties – should be communicated transparently to everyone. To support evidence-based regulation we offer expertise, information and ideas, especially around New Category products and tackling illicit trade. As a responsible company, we maintain clear standards for the engagement activities we conduct. All Group companies and employees are required to act in accordance with these.Ìý

Our supply chain – management approach

Just as we expect all our employees to deliver with integrity, we have similar, standards for our suppliers.. Our Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) defines the minimum standards expected of our suppliers in key areas, including compliance, human rights and business integrity and cyber-risk.

We support third parties on policy issues of mutual interest. However, we will never ask a third party to conduct itself in any way that contravenes our Standards of Business Conduct.Ìý

Find out more: See 'Culture of Integrity'

Responsible marketing and transparent communications

Responsible marketing practices are crucial for preventing underage appeal of and access to our products.Ìý

Our Responsible Marketing Principles (RMP) are adopted by all ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨companies, employees, and anyone working on our behalf.Ìý

Our operationsÌý– management approach

Our strict marketing requirements are detailed in our RMP. We apply these consistently across our business, including when they are stricter than applicable local laws.

Our value chainÌý– management approach

We work closely with our trade partners and customers, building mutually beneficial relationships, characterised by integrity. We also support our retail partners in providing underage access prevention support and messaging.

Find out more:ÌýSee ‘Responsible Marketing’

Sustainability Governance

The evolution of and attention to sustainability matters have increased in recent years. Regulations and expectations have substantially broadened and deepened, not least because of the challenges associated with climate change and biodiversity loss which the world faces.Ìý

Having appropriate governance in place to deliver on our sustainability commitments isÌý essential. We believe effective oversight and management of sustainability-related risks and opportunities are central to BAT’s ability to deliver A Better Tomorrowâ„¢ and achieve long-term sustainable growth.Ìý

Our governance approach

Our governance approach seeks to ensure appropriate Board-level oversight of our sustainability agenda . Our CSO and his team are dedicated to setting and driving the Sustainability agenda across the Group by working alongside other functions such as Operations, Marketing, R&D and Investor Relations.

Find out more: See ‘Sustainability Governance’